First really good night in a while!

All right, what more can I say? I've been having a lousy past few weeks. But here I sit, buzzed to the gills, with images of the woozle in my mind. Who's the woozle? Read on the find out. Flashback, December of 1999. A female, the library at my school, a study group for my film class. I'm staring at her. Suddenly, a wheel turns in my head -click- and I realize that I'm really into this chick. The chase was on.

A few weeks later, I write one of my high school English teachers about her. Borrowing a Jeff Dunham line, I refer to her as a woozle. No idea why, but I did. Thus, she was the woozle form now on.

We get set up to go to the movies, but it never went to pass. Rain (neither of us had cars, so it was all walking to the theatre), job hunting, mixers and the Super Bowl prevented us from being together.

Then, I got depressed, and a major case of junior high syndrome. I'd duck her in the dining hall. How sad was I?Then, I screw up the courage again to talk to her. We go to lunch at the end of the semester. Things are great.

Then, I don't see her for a year. All I get to do is say hello.

Last semester though, I meet up with her again. After a CSC practicum (ala lab test, that is), I see her. I get her number even. WOO HOO!!I can't call that number for some reason. But lo and behold, I meet her again this semester on the way to (drum roll please) a film class. I give her my number, and we're on the road to happiness.

We play phone tag all this past week. I line myself up to go to see Jackass with a friend of mine. He knows her. He mentions that he's going to the flick with me, and she lights up (his account of the event). We go to the movie, and then roll downtown to help her celebrate her 21st birthday.

Sure, I barely got to see her, and I mainly just sat around drinking with my friend, but I haven't hugged a woman that much, oh, ever. And I got a few goodnight kisses. All signs point to "Tom has a chance with this one."

My buddy says she's looking for a stable guy. I'm stable. I like being stable. I can't wait to call her this week and finally get to take her to the movies.

An evening nearly three years in the making. All my inadequacies and fears were forgotten for those few hours downtown. It doesn't get much better for this tool rambling on than it does right now.

Okay, I really have rambled enough. I'm going to rest off this beer buzz before bed. What a great freaking night though!!!

Tom Tostanoskijournal