Gettin' the cabbage patch on

As the Chemical Brothers play through seven speakers, I take a break from getting groovy (as groovy as a fat white kid can get) to deliver an update.Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'll post tomorrow with how well I do. has been created and established. There's nothing up there yet, other than the crappiest teaser I could crack out with my waning HTML skills. It's been a while since I coded anything from scratch, and needless to say, I wasn't the best coder in my prime. God bless refresher tutorials! Once I figure out what I want up on the site (other than my CV stuff, for potential employers out there), I'll start cracking on pages and get stuff up. In the meantime, feel free to stuff the webmaster box (link on site) with suggestions, hate mail and Viagra offers (look, I'm not getting any younger;) ). I'm also looking to break a geek stereotype and move the hell out of my mother's basement. I'll keep you cats posted on that too. By the way, feel free to drop comments. Questions you have for me, links to your blogs, shit like that. This place will get heavy soon enough (wait until women start pissing me off again and I'll make Robert Smith look like Tommy Lee) so there should be plenty to discuss. That is, assuming anyone is actually reading and I'm not just rambling into the primordial ooze. I'll put up at least a quick post tomorrow. If I lose weight and "feel presentable" I might have someone snap a pic of me on my camera phone and I'll pop it up here. I recently went clean shaven and got a new hairdo and I want to see how it plays. Let me know, assuming I'm not a fat cow tomorrow. Wait, if I were a fat cow, I'd wake up female. That might be worse that being fat. Crap. I'll rap with you cats later!

GeneralTom Tostanoski