You mean there was a time when Oliver Stone didn't suck?
Yes, kids, there really are good Oliver Stone films. Don't let Alexander fool you. Midnight Express, Platoon, Wall Street, Natural Born Killers. Shit, I even dug U-Turn (I'm a big fan of John Ridley, who screenwrote).I only mention that because I'm listening to the theme from Midnight Express. It was used as entrance music for legendary pro wrestling tag team The Midnight Express (quite a stretch there, no?) and has since been co-opted by the Backseat Boys (and Trent Acid, one half of said team). Those veterans of my SpyMac blog are groaning at the wrestling reference. Sorry guys, it's on the brain. I just figured I'd pop in tonight and drop some text. Very little to discuss, to be perfectly honest. Work is how it always is, work. Second shift is starting to get really fun again though. Some new additions and a returning vet have perked things up. Not only are we a goofy-ass bunch, we're giving first shift a run for it's money again. Let the war resume! If you didn't catch all that, don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll discuss it more in depth at some point when they start to piss me off again. Maybe after I do some more overtime. I'm also still doing well with my diet. I'm supposed to start exercising now, but it's ass cold outside. I want to walk a half hour each day, but not with the possibility of frostbite. We once had a nice treadmill, but from what I understand some fat child, a guest in our house, decided to fuck with it and blew the motor. So that's out. I can't afford to join a gym, much as I need to. My only option at this point is to throw money into some home equipment, but all the good stuff is waaaay out of my price range. If anyone has any suggestions on this, PLEASE hook me up. Hmm, DDR might be a viable option. I'll have to look into getting a decent mat. Speaking of cold weather hinderences, we just had a nasty blizzard in my part of the country. You fuckers in NC are no longer allowed to complain about anything being cold. When it's 12 below, still snowing, and you're standing in two feet of snow cleaning off your car in the parking lot of the hotel where you stayed so you could make your 7 AM shift on a Sunday morning, then you can talk about cold. No more of this dipping below 60 degrees shit being cold, okay? Okay. End angry rant aimed at beloved Cackalackie friends. Song recommendation: "Interstellar Overdrive" by the Melvins. Really, really cool guitar opening. These guys were grunge before Eddie Vedder traded in his surfboard for flannel. Is it fear of losing my geek cred that causes me to do free tech support for women that won't sleep with me? Or just plain stupidity? I'll leave you with that thought. Let it stew for a few days. Lemme know what you think. should be ready by St. Valentine's Day! Later all.