Is there a word stronger than 'despise?'

After a year of providing technical support for a large, multinational pharmaceutical company (one you've likely never heard of) I've come to despise the people I support. Some of you may have heard me use the phrase "Redneck PSS." These are the people I'm talking about. People who shouldn't be breathing, let alone have a job. People who react to technology like a caveman would react to a talking elevator.

I can't wait to get out of here. Someone please give me a new support job. Maybe supporting people with three digit IQs and respect for their support agents. I'd really enjoy that. And I wouldn't feel so homocidal anymore.

In brighter news, I finally finished the Freaks and Geeks series on DVD. Very good stuff. I might write another piece on the show in the future.

Looking to check out The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy this weekend. Having read the books, listened to the audio dramas and seen the BBC miniseries, I guess you can say I'm a fan. I've heard mixed things about the flick from various sources, but I'm not going to pass judgement. Shit, I liked Attack of the Clones, didn't I?

Also hoping to go down on Sunday night to catch a Monty Python double feature in NYC. Since I won't get to see Spamalot until nearly August, this'll be a fun jaunt down to fun city.

That's all for now. These users are starting to break my brain beyond repair. I should be back later in the week with more weight loss news, the first of the Linux posts, and maybe some wresting thoughts. I dunno, we'll see.

Later all.

GeneralThomas Tostanoski