Opera, Plague, Queen, Ring of Honor, Starvation

Just not really in that order :)So here I am, still alive and kicking.  Somehow.  I think bubonic was going  around at work, so everyone got sick.  Those of us with the decency to suck  it up and still go to work get hammered by extra calls while sitting in the  bubonic petri dish for eleven hours.  God, I hate people. I'm sure it could be worse though.  Not sure how exactly, but I'm sure it  could be worse. Oh, and for those curious, it's certainly not bubonic.  Whenever I get sick  I just think of the worst possible thing that I could have.  That's the disease I get.  When it turns out not to be that, and I get  better and not dead, I feel a little better inside. Remember kids: lowered expectations isn't a bad thing.  Assume each  night that you'll be dead by morning.  When you wakeup alive,  it's a small victory and self-esteem boost. Unless you want to die.  I can't help you at that point.  Best wishes on  death, though. In slightly less morbid news, there's a new Opera preview out.  It's  quite good.  I've been using Opera since Firefox was merely a  gleam in the Mozilla developers' eyes, and have always  found it to be superior.  Your mileage may vary. Although, comparing Opera to Firefox 1.5 (with it's terrible memory  leaks) is like comparing sex to hitting yourself over the head with a brick.  Repeatedly.  While a dwarf chews on your testicles. I digress.  Check out Opera if you're interested. The current stable version (8.51) is also really good and works on nearly every platform known to man.  And woman, etc. Queen rock.  I've got nearly all their singles neatly organized on my PC now, and the bit they did with the Queen song in Shawn of the Dead was rather sweet.  Nothing like classic Glam Rock. Okay, fine, you got me.  While I do love Queen and all, I really just needed a Q to fit the title scheme. I know it's been a long time since the last posting.  And since I came up with a coherent transition.  Leave me alone, it's been a while.  I'm sure the five of you that actually happen across this site from time to time want to know what I've been up to since September.  After the trip, I started looking for better work. Found it at Time Warner Cable, doing Tier Three Tech support for their busted-ass internet service.  I also ate a lot, gaining back much of the weight I lost.  It was tough trying to get to a meeting at 10:30 on a Saturday morning.  So I stopped trying. And I started eating.  At CheeseCake Factory.  And McDonalds.  A lot. The eating got worse after I started at Time Warner.  Working late, all that's open are fast food places.  So lots of nasty fast food beef went into my body.  A lot. When I wasn't eating or working, I was immersing myself in wrestling. I went to a lot of ROH shows in the last five months. Almost one a month.  Boston in September, NYC in October, Edison in December, Philly in January.  I'll be headed to Edison this month and Philly in March.  I'll be missing a HUGE match in NYC next  month to travel again.  It's well worth it though. My primary entertainment source (outside of WoW, which will be discussed later) has been wrestling DVDs.  I've seen almost the entire first year of ROH.  I'm starting to get into Full Impact Pro and Ohio Valley Wrestling.  And there's a bunch of good looking WWE DVD releases forthcoming (which beats their crappy TV shows any day of the week). Watching all this wrestling has inpired me in my second quest for weight loss.  Lost 50 pounds last year before starting to binge eat again.  This year, I'm losing nearly 100.  And I'm going to keep it off dammit.  Cruiserweight, here I come! I'm back at Weight Watchers, doing the Core plan.  I don't count points.  I eat a bunch of foods that I like, to the point where I'm satified (not bloated).  I can eat stuff not on my list if I ding point for it, up to a total of 35 points per week (which is how I had a slice of pizza tonight).  I lost over six pounds my first week out.  This is better than last year.  Here's a nifty chart to keep you cats posted on my weight loss: weight loss chart Hey, if worms are good enough for the Boogieman, they're good enough for me too. The chart will become more readable as I lose more weight (my starting weight and my current weight overlap in this snapshot). I'll be back soon to talk about WoW, the latest Linux mishaps, work and more weight loss news.  Hasta lumbago all!