Stuff I Want: RSS readers that do I what I need

Two down, two to go.  This is the last Mac-centric one for now kids.

I've been using Vienna to read my blogs and other feeds since getting the PowerBook.  It's nice.  Open source, simple interface, nothing silly.  I used to use BlogBridge, but using a Java-based tool is resource intensive as it is, and I leave my aggregator up all the time.  So I found Vienna.

And as much as I like it, I still need it to do more.  And I'm not a programmer, so don't tell me to fix it myself.  I'd love to, but plugging new features into an existing application is far beyond what I can do.

I've noticed this in other aggregators also, as I'm sure that most people who read blogs don't also write one.  But I want a button that will pull up a blog editor of my choice (or the Wordpress bookmarklet) and allow me to blog the entry I just read.  It would be a really nice touch, and the Blog This button on Digg kinda has me spoiled.

The other thing I want isn't specific to Vienna, but is an overarching thing that will probably never get done will take a long time to build and implement.  I want a free, open API that will let hang on to my OPML and remember what I've already read.

Yes, I know I'm crazy.

A few applications already have this.  I know that NetNewsWire has some thing that syncs between all the applications and websites in that family.  Great, but not free.  BlogBridge syncs to other BlogBridge clients.  Great, but not open.  At least not at the time of this posting.

I'm a bit surprised that this wasn't part of the original RSS revolution.  Maybe it just never came up.  I hope someone is building this now, complete with some drop in code to interface with it.  I want to be able to check my feeds in Vienna before I leave for work, catch up during the day on Google Reader, and then not have a few hundred posts I've already read still sitting in Vienna when I get home.

Anybody know how to make this?

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GeneralThomas Tostanoski