Stuff to look forward to

Now that I've split from Time Warner Cable, I've got stuff to look forward to.

  1. Grindhouse opens tonight.  I'm meeting some peeps for dinner at our old haunt over the river, and then we're off to see some movie madness.
  2. It would appear that the issues with my license are cleaered up.  All I need now is a physical copy of it, though the nice state trooper I spoke to earlier tonight said all was well.
  3. I'll be in Texas in a couple weeks.  For good.  And the fine folks that made Yacht Rock are having a Yacht Party.  And I'm totally going to be there.
  4. DRM Free tracks are coming to iTunes.  Sure, they're only from EMI currently, but it's a start.  Better quality tracks, too.
  5. Did I forget something? Oh, yeah.  AMY COMES TO HELP ME MOVE IN WITH HER IN A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it's fair to say that Tom is giddy :)