Stuff to look forward to
Now that I've split from Time Warner Cable, I've got stuff to look forward to.
- Grindhouse opens tonight. I'm meeting some peeps for dinner at our old haunt over the river, and then we're off to see some movie madness.
- It would appear that the issues with my license are cleaered up. All I need now is a physical copy of it, though the nice state trooper I spoke to earlier tonight said all was well.
- I'll be in Texas in a couple weeks. For good. And the fine folks that made Yacht Rock are having a Yacht Party. And I'm totally going to be there.
- DRM Free tracks are coming to iTunes. Sure, they're only from EMI currently, but it's a start. Better quality tracks, too.
- Did I forget something? Oh, yeah. AMY COMES TO HELP ME MOVE IN WITH HER IN A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So it's fair to say that Tom is giddy :)