Rumors of my death and so forth

Oh, hey, I have a blog. I spent a bunch of time setting this back up to talk about WLS and whatnot. That was, hm, four-and-a-half years ago.

It’s a good thing nothing has really happened since then. Yeah, nice and quiet, right? In any event, I’m here

I can’t say for sure that I’ll be doing this often, or even much at all. I do know that all the cool kids on Mastodon are either regular bloggers who are good at it, or they’re also kicking the dust off their personal blogs again. And RSS is coming back into fashion.

I think in reality we’re retrospectively unhappy with the last fifteen years of social media and long for the good old days, but I’m just a stoned old person. What do I know?

I suppose I should catch people up on what I’ve been doing beyond getting old and getting high (Ohio gave me a medical cannabis card for my knee pain), but that’s for another time. For now, I just wanted to try out the Squarespace mobile app again and update the hero image on the homepage to be more reflective of our current reality.

Back soon, loves.

Thomas Tostanoski